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"Had to get a horse and ride to Manzanita to interview old Vanney and a couple of other big guys from the East. My first story's on the wire," explained the newcomer offhand. "I want some local-color stuff for my second day follow-up." "It must be hard to do that," said Banneker interestedly, "when you haven't seen any of it yourself." "Patchwork and imagination," returned the other wearily.

I wouldn't exactly call 'em wise wordy'd come a sight nearer fittin' these local-color fellers without wrinklin'. The''s a ringin' in my ears yet from the time that I was penned up with Hammy an' Locals, an' this one had a good many o' the same outward an' visible signs, but more o' the inward an' spiritual grace, as Friar Tuck sez.

Huneker had no trouble in discovering in one café a patriarchal figure quite of the type beloved of the local-color hunters of twenty years ago, a prophet, though speaking a modern language and concerned with things of the day. So that we owe to Mr.

They found a small Italian restaurant, free of local-color hounds and what Carl called "hobohemians," and discovered fritto misto and Chianti and zabaglione a pale-brown custard flavored like honey and served in tall, thin, curving glasses while the fat proprietress, in a red shawl and a large brooch, came to ask them, "Everyt'ing all-aright, eh?"