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"The trap's safe and sound! The berg is t' the lee'ard!" Tom was right. A shift of tide had come at the right moment to save the trap. "The Lard is good to us," breathed Skipper Tom. "He've saved our trap! He always takes care of them that does what they feels is right. We'll thank the Lard, lads."

"She's right over where the trap were set! The trap's gone," said one of the sons. "I'm doubtin'," Skipper Tom was measuring the distance critically with his eye. "The trap's tore to pieces," insisted the son with discouragement in his voice. "The berg's to the lee'ard of she," declared Skipper Tom finally. "Tis too close t' shore." "'Tis to the lee'ard!" "Is you sure, now, Pop?"

"Father," he cried, his eyes flashing with excitement, "there's a brig on the sands, and they are going to launch the new lifeboat!" "Whereaway is't, lad?" asked Boyns, as he buttoned up his coat. "To lee'ard of the breakwater." "Oh Harry, don't be too venturesome," cried Mrs Boyns earnestly, as her strapping boy was about to follow his father out into the pelting storm.

At last he got wind of 'em in Cadiz Harbour, and made all sail to catch 'em. It was on the 19th of October 1805 that Villeneuve, that was the French admiral, put to sea with the combined fleets o' France and Spain. It wasn't till daybreak of the 21st that we got sight of 'em, right ahead, formed in close line, about twelve miles to lee'ard, standin' to the s'uth'ard, off Cape Trafalgar.