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"I am also certain that many patients are enormously benefited by the use of gastric ravage for the purpose of removing a quantity of decomposing material, the absorption of which would certainly do a great amount of harm. I am also certain that gastric lavage does permanent good only if no further food is placed into the stomach, which would result in further decomposition."

Stomach-tube and free lavage; cold affusion; drawing forward tongue; artificial respiration; galvanism and suspension with head downward. Inhalation of nitrite of amyl; strychnine hypodermically. Fatal Dose. When swallowed, from 1 to 2 ounces. Method of Extraction from the Stomach.

He was carrying away a girl shot to pieces, and with her clothing in rags. He took her head, and a young Belgian took her feet, and the Belgian looked round and said quietly, "This is my fiancée." 11 May. To-day being madame's washing day we ring the changes on the "nettoyage," "le grand nettoyage," and "le lavage" everything was late.

"Ah!... c'est le grand lavage!" sang Mademoiselle. "Oui," said Miriam surlily. What could she do? She imagined the whole school waiting downstairs to see her come down to be done. Should she go down and decline, explain to Fraulein Pfaff. She hated her vindictively her "calm" message "treating me like a child." She saw the horse smile and heard the caustic voice.