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It is not by methods like these that are inspired sentiments, such as those which prompted Victor Hugo eloquently to describe a tribunal: "Ou dans l'obscurité, la laideur, et la tristesse, se degageait une impression austère et auguste. Car on y sentait cette grande chose humaine qu'on appelle la loi, et cette grande chose divine qu'on appelle la justice." "It will not do to deny the obligation.

I asked her if she could not throw off a century or two in consideration of the hard, times, and she laughed, and said I blagued, and honestly she didn't know how old they were, but it was drole, tout de meme, qu'on put adorer un petit bon Dieu d'une laideur pareille." "Really, I don't see how they can do it," said Mrs.

A face of sheep-like sensuality. Red lips and a round receding chin. A large bosom, and two thin arms showing beneath the opera cloak, which she has not yet thrown from her shoulders. I do not know her une laideur attirante. Many a man might be interested in her. But do you see the woman in the stage-box?

"Hold fast their truth, which is a truth the world has always possessed, though its practice has been confined to the honest and laborious few. "Eschew their want of mind and taste. "Shrink with horror from that profane culte de laideur, that 'love of the lopsided, they have recovered from the foul receptacles of decayed art."

He sees a torrent of American vulgarity and "laideur" threatening to overflow Europe. He thinks England, as it is, "not liveable-in," but is convinced that a Government of Chartists would not mend matters; and, after telling a Republican friend that "God knows it, I am with you," he thus qualifies his sympathy

The building has, however, a certain puissante laideur, as Michelet said of Danton, and is imposing from its very mass, but it is dull and heavy and devoid of all charm and imagination.