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'I don't care! cried the young woman bitterly. 'You have to care, said Stenmark grievously, 'Even if it happened before you were born. And even then, that's only the smaller part of Kataya's anger. You lost your father, as we all lost those dear to us..... Imagine if you had lost Kalus, in the full flower of your pure and uncorrupted love for him?

'Ruth Welles always tells me I'm working too hard, and Kataya's fingers feel like flesh wrapped around steel, though she means well..... I'm afraid she's still not quite comfortable around me. Around any of us, really. 'Why? asked the younger woman, unable to feign indifference. 'Will you promise not to hold it against her? I wish the two of you could make peace.

But if this was the audience to which he must speak, then speak he would, torn as his own feelings were by the animosity of the two young women, secretly heartened as he realized that Kataya's scorn must be the result of physical stirrings for Kalus -as strong and healthy a sire as he could wish.

But lost in her own bitterness, she could give him no sign. So he sighed, and said simply. 'Kataya and I had hoped that perhaps Ishmael..... But he's gone now, and who knows if we'll ever see him again, or even if his chromosomes would match. 'Ishmael will come back, answered Kalus seriously, the doctor's words largely lost on him, but wanting to ease Kataya's pain.

For all, in the end, must rise. 'Have they gone? asked McIntyre, needing only Kataya's desolate expression for an answer. 'We'll get ‘em next year, he said more quietly. 'Who? What do you mean? asked Sylviana. 'The Children, he answered. 'Every Spring they migrate north. He observed the tension between herself and Kalus, and added.

'The men of Japan, Kataya's ancestors, were every bit as cruel as the Germans during World War II. They killed millions in their march through Asia, raping women to death, cutting men to pieces, never sparing the children..... So that when America finally developed the atomic bomb, those with the power to use it had very little sympathy left.