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The True Cat's-Eye. Vast Riches hidden in the Mountains. Plumbago Mining. Iron Ore. Kaolin. Gem-Cutting. Native Swindlers. Demoralizing Effect of Gem Digging. At Dondra Head, which is now only a small fishing village, the mouldering remains of a grand and ancient temple are seen, which are believed to antedate those of Anuradhapura, though probably built by the same race of people.

Though the gaucho rides at the head of the quick marching party, and alongside their leader, it is not to guide them. They know the ground as well, and better than he; for oft and many a time have they quartered that same campo, in pursuit of gama, guazuti, and ostrich. Kaolin directs his march in a straight course for the old tolderia, though not now designing to go so far.

Where the masses contain large quantities of feldspar, as is the case in the greater part of our granitic and other crystalline rocks, this material in its decomposition is converted into kaolin or feldspar clay, and gives the stones a peculiar white appearance, which marks the decomposition, and indicates the process by which a great variety of valuable soil ingredients are brought into a state where they may be available for plants.

Short time stays Kaolin and his party by the estancia: for the newly-elected chief of the Tovas is a man of ready resolves and quick action, and soon as his story is told, with that of the others heard in return, he again mounts, and makes ready for the march this time to be directed towards the old tolderia.

First Loch Dune in the shire of Ayr; this lake receives its water from the granite hills which are at its head. Secondly, some small lakes which receive the washings of the granite mountain, Crifle, in East Galloway. Thirdly, Cornwall, a county in which I have not been, but which is sufficiently known as possessing kaolin and granite.

The purest clay found in nature is porcelain clay, or kaolin, which results from the decomposition of a rock composed of feldspar and quartz, and it is almost always mixed with quartz. It always divides into laminae more or less regular.

One of these resplendent in a feather-embroidered manta, Kaolin recognises as his rival Aguara; while the gaucho identifies the other as his oldest, deadliest, and most dangerous enemy, Valdez, the vaqueano.

Never did mistaken men more rejoice at their mistake than do they, when, on the band of Indian braves galloping up to the ground, they behold at its head, and evidently in command of it, not the cacique Aguara, but the sub-chief, Kaolin, and beside him his sister Nacena!

There is a girl riding by his side, a beautiful girl, at a glance recognisable as Nacena he himself being her brother, Kaolin. They and their party are also pursuing. Though not to retake, the paleface captive; instead, to protect her the object of their pursuit being Aguara himself.

If you want to make a china cup, you must have a fine sort of clay called "kaolin," which is pure white when it is fired and is not very common; but if you want to make bricks, it will not be at all difficult to find a suitable clay bank. And yet the clay, even for bricks, must be of the right kind.