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"I know well who you are, Kandur," said Sárvölgyi, carefully studying the robber's browned face. "Why we are old acquaintances. It is not you who are responsible for the deeds you have done, but society. Humankind rose up against you, you merely defended yourself as best you could. That is why I always took your part, Kandur." "No nonsense for me now," interrupted the robber hastily.

"I shall be there too," continued Kandur: "and if we cannot enter the castle stealthily, if some one should make a noise, if those within wake up, then the first whistle is for you four: two come with me to break open the garden door. Have you got the 'jimmies'?" "Yes," said a robber, displaying the crowbars. "Piócza, and Agyaras, your business is to answer any fire of people from the windows.

"What did you say, Kandur?" "I shall kill him, even if he has a hundred souls. Long ago I promised him, when first we met. But now I wish to drink of his blood. Did you see whether the old mastiff too was there at the robbing?" "Topándy? A plague upon my eyes, if I did not see him. There were two of them, they took no one with them, not even a dog: they rowed along here beside the gardens.

Suppose Kandur should, in the course of his feast of blood be whetted for more slaughter, and wish to slice up betrayer after betrayed? In the presence of twelve robbers, he could not even trust an ally. The night watchman had already called "Eleven." Sárvölgyi was sitting beside his window.

The silence of deep sleep reigned in the house. When everyone was in his place, Kandur crept on his stomach among the bushes, which formed a grove under Czipra's window that looked on to the garden, and putting an acacia leaf into his mouth, began to imitate the song of the nightingale.

Oh yes act as if you had not seen that beautiful illumination the day before yesterday evening that's right when the rick was burned down, and then the gunpowder dispersed the fire, so that nothing but a black pit remained for mad Kandur." "I saw it." "That was your work," cried the fiend, raising high the flashing knife. "Now, Kandur, have some sense. Why should I have set it on fire?"