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Alan's face had gone whiter than the parchment. Here indeed was the treasure he had come to seek. And it was Josian's free gift. But that was not all. "Josian," he said, not putting out his hand even to touch the precious parcel, "you must not give away these manuscripts so lightly. They are worth much gold, child they are a rich dowry for you.

If Simon had connected Stefano's house and his reputed hoard of gold with his disastrous experiment, and possibly suspected Josian's existence there, it was a time for quick thought and bold action. He raced down the street leading to the rear of the house, vaulted the wall and found old Maddalena unlocking the small side door. "Get her away," he said in a low voice, "at once there is danger!"

Among the formulae in the scripts which were Josian's dowry were several for stained glass and the making of colors to be used therein. By means of one of these it became possible to make glass of wonderful rich hues, through which the light came white, as if no glass were there.

Josian looked back at the gray pointed roofs and towers of Goslar. "Al-an," she said, "what was that light in the sky?" "It was your tower," Alan answered. "No one will ever live there again, since you cannot." Alan marveled at Josian's self-possession during the rough journey.

He often rode at her side for an hour or more, pointing out to her the secret quick life of woodland and meadow, and finding perhaps that she already knew the bird, squirrel, marmot or hare, by another name. "London is well enough," he said one day, "but 'tis not for me. I could never live grubbing in the dark there like a mouldiwarp." Josian's delicate brows drew together.