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He went to the field with the Lutzow Jagers, and soon after made the acquaintance among his comrades of the theological students Langethal and Middendorf. When, after the Peace of Paris, the young friends parted, they vowed eternal fidelity, and each solemnly promised to obey the other's summons, should it ever come.

It was one of the corps of Jagers of Tyrol, going down from the avenue to the Rudolfplatz, with their band before them and their pennons streaming. It was a familiar sight, but it drew the street-throngs to it like magic: the age is not fond of dreamers, but it is very fond of drums.

Though formerly he had longed to be free at any price, death now shone before him as a desirable goal. Better that than to be crippled merely. Next day he whispered to Vogt, "Next time that the Jägers are on duty I shall try it." Vogt shook his head emphatically with a gesture of protest. His comrade must have gone clean out of his wits.

"No guards were visible anywhere, no sentry-boxes, but, as I stood hesitating in the middle of the frontier and just why I hesitated I don't know I saw half a dozen jagers of a German mounted regiment ride up on the German side of the boundary.

He was not so, however, and had enough life to hear, after the fight was over, the Austrian Jagers pass by, and again retire to their original positions, where their infantry was lying down, not dreaming for one moment of pursuing the Italians.