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"Yes, I chucked it right in the stove." "'Iwanhoe'!" exclaimed the doctor. "Why, Elviny must of borrowed the loan of that off of Teacher I seen Teacher have it." Tillie turned pleading eyes upon his face, but he did not see her. "Do you mean to say," demanded Mr. Getz, "that Teacher lends NOVELS to the scholars!"

I like to come by somepin like that, still, to pass the time when there ain't much doin'. How did Elviny Dinkleberger come by such a novel?" "I don't know. If I see her pop, I 'll tell him he better put a stop to such behaviors." Tillie stirred restlessly on her pillow. "What was the subjeck of that there novel, Tillie?" the doctor asked. "Its subjeck was 'Iwanhoe," Mr. Getz answered.

She'll be havin' a RElapse if you don't leave her be!" "It's YOU I'm wantin' to badger, Doc Weaver!" retorted Mr. Getz. "What fur did you lie to me about that there piece entitled 'Iwanhoe'?" "You and your 'Iwanhoe' be blowed! Are you tormentin' this here kid about THAT yet? A body'd think you'd want to change that subjec', Jake Getz!"

"What you mean, doin' somepin like, this yet!" sternly demanded her father. "What fur book's that there?" He took the book from her hands and Tillie cowered beneath the covers, the wish flashing through her mind that the book could change into a Bible as he looked at it! which miracle would surely temper the punishment that in a moment she knew would be meted out to her. "'Iwanhoe' a novel!

Getz eyed the doctor with suspicion. "How did you come by that there 'Iwanhoe'?" "That there I bought at the second-hand book-store in there at Lancaster one time. I ain't just so much fur books, but now and again I like to buy one too, when I see 'em cheap." "Well, here!" Mr. Getz tossed the book into tie buggy. "Take your old 'Pump-eye. And clear out.