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I know Edric Streone over well, and he knows it, and hates me." "Come, therefore, and take Ethelred out of his hands," Olaf said. "Not I. Let him inlaw me again first. I will not go and ask pardon for what I have not done." And after that the earl would say no more on the matter, waxing wroth if Olaf would try to persuade him.

Now when I had ended my tale and my thoughts concerning it, he told me that he had found out much of late, as he and the thanes spoke together here while waiting for the levy, and that word should go to the king of the whole matter, so that without waiting for the Moot, he should inlaw me again.

Outlaw is outlaw, and must count for naught. I may not go against the word of the Moot, and inlaw you again by giving you a place. Go hence in peace, and take your way; yet we thank you for bearing the message to Matelgar. Link up your mail again, and tell any man that you bear messages from me; the watchword is 'Wessex' for the guards are set by now, and you will need it."

And I know that Matelgar was the foremost in accusing you. Wherefore it seems to me that there was work there to be forgiven by you. Is that so?" The thing was so plain that I could but bow my head in assent. "Now," he went on, "I have heard private talk of this sort before now; but never mind. I cannot inlaw you again, Heregar; for that must needs be done in full Moot, as was the outlawry.

For all you ken, I may be but an outlaw who is fleeing from justice." "Do I know nought about you? I think that last night and what I have seen today have told me much, and I have been held as a good judge of a man. If so be that you were an outlaw, which I do not think, what you have done is enough to inlaw you again with any honest man even had you taken a life, for you have saved one.

So Evan spoke in the worst Saxon I had ever heard, and I thought that it fitted his face well. "No good glaring in that wise," he said; "if you are quiet no harm will come to you. We are going to hold you as a hostage until your Saxon master or your British father pay ransom for you, and inlaw us again. That last is a notion of my own, for I am by way of being an honest man.