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Thus did cultivation, driven out, leave the East, and perhaps the Deserts formerly robbed of their coverings: like the wild hordes of old over beautiful Greece, thus rolls the conquest with fearful rapidity from east to west through America; and the planter now often leaves the already exhausted land, the eastern climate becomes infertile through the demolition of the forests, to introduce a similar revolution into the far West.

When Washington died he was reputed one of the richest men in America and yet his estate was hardly equal to that of Coke's tenant. Washington was a good farmer, inventive and enterprising, but he had difficulties which ruined many of his neighbors. Today much of his infertile estate of Mount Vernon would hardly grow enough to pay the taxes.

Jarves, who published his History in 1843, says that "families who have three children are freed from all taxes; those having more, are rewarded by gifts of land and other encouragements." This unparalleled enactment by the government well shews how infertile the race had become. The Rev.

On the other hand, there can be no doubt that the individuals of many natural species are either absolutely infertile, if crossed with individuals of other species, or, if they give rise to hybrid offspring, the hybrids so produced are infertile when paired together.

They would have become perfectly respectable, utterly negligible modern citizens of the world, the infertile by-product of a rich civilization with its perfected machinery for the preservation of accumulated wealth. There are more Archies and Adelles about us than is commonly recognized: they are on all our calling-lists, in every European capital or congregation of expensive country homes.

Many hundreds of bees make up a hive, and they belong to three classes or castes, which differ in structure and social function. The queen is a fertile female, the drones are males, and the workers are stunted and infertile females which take no part in reproduction.

Look, where the jungle clothes the steep Pacific slope with its palms and overskirt of vines and creepers! Glossy, formal bird's-nest ferns and irregular mass of polypodium edged with fawn-coloured, infertile fronds fringe the sea-ward ending.

Gunther, Dr., on paddle of Ceradotus; on hermaphroditism in Serranus; on male fishes hatching ova in their mouths; on mistaking infertile female fishes for males; on the prehensile organs of male Plagiostomous fishes; spines and brushes on fishes; on the pugnacity of the male salmon and trout; on the relative size of the sexes in fishes; on sexual differences in fishes; on the genus Callionymus; on a protective resemblance of a pipe-fish; on the genus Solenostoma; on the coloration of frogs and toads; combat of Testudo elegans; on the sexual differences in the Ophidia; on differences of the sexes of lizards.

This is best accomplished artificially, the pollen from a fully developed bunch of male flowers being shaken over the bunch of female flowers. Infertile fruit contains no seeds, and is of small size and inferior quality, whereas the fertile fruit is both large and good.

Therefore, it is beneath the dignity of any decent, intelligent woman to suppose that promiscuous relationship can ever be as happy and satisfying and attractive as marriage. This, apart altogether from the fact that marriage is fertile and prostitution infertile.