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Didn't she tell you?" "I should say not. If she'd told me you don't suppose I'd'a' driv' clear over here in this kinder weather fer nothin', do you? Thunder! Did she know 'bout it?" "Certainly, Mr. Crow. She helped with the plans." "Well, good gosh a'mighty! An' we was a-keepin' from her the awful news fer fear 'twould give her a backset." "Awful news! What do you mean?

She stared at him, bewildered by his reckless lightness of mood. "It is now, because I've lost. If I'd'a won it, it 'ud 'a' been financial shrewdness!" She asked her next question after a pause, in a low voice, and through teeth almost set. "Did you go into this bank to-steal this money? Tell me that!" "No; I didn't, Nell. I ain't quite up to that."

The sentence ended with the picturesque rapid CRESCENDO employed by maidens of her type in describing a convulsive experience. "Just didn't he," joined in another. "I never saw ANY-thing so funny in all my BORN DAYS. I was AFRAID to look at either one of YOU; I knew if I DID I would BURST RIGHT OUT laughing. I couldn't've HELPED it I know I COULDN'T, if I'd'a knowed I'd'a DIED the next MINUTE."

They said they'd kill us if we made a noise, an' we didn't. I wish I'd'a' had my rifle, doggone it! I'd'a' showed 'em." "They drove like thunder out to'rds Boggs City fer about two mile," said Bud, who had been silent as long as human nature would permit. "'Nen they stopped an' throwed us out in the road.