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Updated: November 6, 2024

It was a merry day the one that is just gone, and it is quite in reason to believe your husband was, like some others I can name a thing I shall not be so unwise as to do a little of what I call how-come-ye-so, and that his nap holds on longer than common.

Well, he was feelin' how-come-ye-so, an' he dhrifted over to where we was holdin' a fair. They was a band outside, an' he thought it was a grand openin'. So he come in with a cigar in th' side iv his mouth an' his hat hangin' onto his ear. It was th' last night iv th' fair, an' ivrything was wide open; f'r th' priest had gone home, an' we wanted f'r to break th' record.

He was in here las' night, how-come-ye-so, with his hat cocked over his eye an' a look iv risolution on his face; an' whin he left me, he says, says he, 'Dooley, he says, 'I'll conquir, or I'll die, he says. "It's been comin f'r months, but it on'y bust oh Donahue las' week.

"Well, sah, I ain't yered nothin' 'bout de roarin', but he suttinly was 'how-come-ye-so' fer dey couldn't git 'im upstairs 'less dey toted him on dere backs. Marse George Temple gin him his own baid an' sot up mos' ob de night, an' dar he stayed fur fo' days till he come to. Dat's what Todd done tol' me, an' I reckon Todd knows." The colonel was in his den when this conversation took place.

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