United States or Armenia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Whitman finds his joy and his triumph, not in being better than other people or above them, but in being one with them, and sharing their sins as well as their virtues. "As if it harm'd me, giving others the same chances and rights as myself as if it were not indispensable to my own rights that others possess the same."

I do not see, either, that it owes any serious thanks to noted propagandists or champions, or has been essentially help'd, though often harm'd, by them. It has been and is carried on by all the moral forces, and by trade, finance, machinery, intercommunications, and, in fact, by all the developments of history, and can no more be stopp'd than the tides, or the earth in its orbit.

Sad was the mother at hearing, and thus amid weeping she answer'd: "Woe to me! why did I bear thee, my child, in an hour of misfortune? Would I could see thee nor harm'd by injustice nor yielding to sadness, Here by the ships, since the days of thy doom are the few and the fleeting!

America, made up of all, cheerfully from the beginning opening her arms to all, the result and justifier of all, of Britain, Germany, France and Spain all here the accepter, the friend, hope, last resource and general house of all she who has harm'd none, but been bounteous to so many, to millions, the mother of strangers and exiles, all nations should now, I say, be paid this dread compliment of general governmental fear and hatred.

'The hound that was harm'd then muzzled shall be, Who loved him worst shall weep for his wreck; Yet shall a whelp rise of the same race, That rudely shall roar, and rule the whole north, And quit the whole quarrel of old deeds done, Though he from his hold be kept back awhile. True Thomas told me this in a troublesome time, In a harvest morning at Eldoun hills."