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He sometimes condescended to take us about with him to one or two Chinese restaurants of the most beggarly description, and as he wished to believe, because of the romantic titillation involved the hang-outs of crooks and thieves and disreputable Tenderloin characters generally.

Sometimes as much as twenty dollars a week, rarely less than twelve or fifteen. And despite her drinking and her freehandedness with her fellow-professionals less fortunate and with the street beggars and for tenement charities, she had in her stockings a capital of thirty-one dollars. She avoided the tough places, the hang-outs of the gangs.

I, who had been hailed Prince of the Oyster Pirates, who could go anywhere in the world as a man amongst men; who could sail boats, lay aloft in black and storm, or go into the toughest hang-outs in sailor town and play my part in any rough-house that started or call all hands to the bar I didn't know the first thing I might say or do with this slender little chit of a girl-woman whose scant skirt just reached her shoe-tops and who was as abysmally ignorant of life as I was, or thought I was, profoundly wise.

He did not want to speak about artists and authors; they simply did not have nor did they want any other home than the cafes, and he did not understand how they could accomplish anything under these circumstances. But women nowadays were lacking in ambition and heart; they were satisfied with the mixed company they found in these hang-outs.

They did not disclose his identity, we knew, but they did give directions to at least one of his hang-outs and were therefore very important. She had moved away from the table, but, as she did so, her dress caught in something in the woodwork. She tried to loosen it and in so doing touched the little metallic spring on which her dress had caught. Instantly, to her utter surprise, the panel moved.