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The result of this conference was an agreement on the part' of Styr to give his daughter to the Berserk, provided he and his brother would CUT a road through the lava rocks of Biarnarhaf. Halli and Leikner immediately set about executing this prodigious task; while the scornful Asdisa, arrayed in her most splendid attire, came sweeping past in silence, as if to mock their toil.

Grettir then spoke a verse: "Tell, oh tell in the dwellings abroad tell thou hast met with Saddle-head. The handler of dice in sable cowl sat on his back; hasten, oh Halli!" Then they parted. Halli went along the road as far as Kalfanes before he met Sveinn. They greeted each other hurriedly and Sveinn said: "Saw you that loafer ride from the dwellings? Sorely he means my patience to try.

He got up and laughed and spoke a verse: "There rode a man upon Saddle-head's back; close to the garth the thief has come. Frey of the Odin's cloud, dreadful of aspect, appears from his strength to be busy with mischief." Then he took a horse and rode after him. Grettir rode on till he came to the settlement at Kropp, where he met a man named Halli who said he was going down to the ship at Vellir.

The bargain accordingly was made; but, on arriving in Iceland, the first thing Halli took it into his head to require was a wife, who should be rich, nobly born, and beautiful.

Fearful were the struggles of the scalded giants: Halli, indeed, succeeded in bursting up the door; but his foot slipped on the bloody bull's hide, and Amgrim stabbed him to the heart. His brother was then easily forced back into the seething water.

The people about shall deal with him roughly; blue shall his body be if I meet him." "You can know from what I tell you," said Halli, "that I met the man who said he was riding Saddle-head, and he told me to spread it abroad in the dwellings and the district. He was a huge man in a black cloak." "Well, he seems to think something of himself," said the bondi. "I mean to know who he is."