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The island was of good size, well wooded, and the shore was lined with bushes. There were a few bungalows on it, but the season was not very good this year, and none of them had been rented. The girls half-planned to hire one to use as headquarters in case they camped on the island. "It doesn't look very ghostly," said Betty, as she surveyed it from the cockpit of her craft.

In another instant he would have yielded and gone; forgotten even Miriam, and all the promised sweetness of life with her half-planned, when something came to pass abruptly that threw his will and all his little calculations into a dark chaos of amazement where, by a kind of electrically swift reaction, he realized that the one true, possible and right thing for him was this very love he was about to cast aside.

"Get my bath ready, Leah." The maid disappeared into the inner room. Pamela tore open the note attached to the roses by her side, and read it slowly through: Dear Miss Van Teyl, I am so very sorry, but the luncheon we had half-planned for to-day must be postponed. I have an urgent message to go south; to inspect but no secrets! It's horribly disappointing. I hope we may meet in a few days.

The cool mountains had given way to burned-out, umber-coloured hills, rock-ribbed arroyos, and seemingly endless desert; and the sun was growing hotter every minute. If the heat continued to increase, I doubted if I would care to take a half-planned Colorado River trip down to the Gulf.