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The sudden surprise had quite overcome him; and Adams, who seldom saw the point of a story till time had blunted it, listened sympathetically to learn what new form of grim horror had for the moment wiped out the memory of two thousand years of Roman bloodshed, or the consolation, derived from history and statistics, that most citizens of Rome seemed to be the better for guillotining.

He has been present at all the sights and shows and rejoicings of Paris for the last fifty years; has witnessed the great events of the revolution; the guillotining of the king and queen; the coronation of Bonaparte; the capture of Paris, and the restoration of the Bourbons.

In effect, before guillotining Robespierre and his associates as orthodox, it guillotined the Girondins, Hebert and Danton, as heretics. Now, "the existence of popular idols and of head charlatans is irrevocably ended."

You had your neighbor guillotined to prevent your neighbor from guillotining you." The same apprehension exists in stouter souls, although there may have been, along with fear, motives of a less debased order. "How many times," says Carnot, "we undertook some work that required time, with the conviction that we should not be allowed to complete it!"

"She will kill herself," said Dutreuil, in a scared voice. "She will never be able to endure the idea that they are guillotining Jacques. She will kill herself presently ... this very night...." Renine was striding up and down the room. "You can do nothing for her, can you?" asked Hortense. "It's half-past eleven now," he replied, in an anxious tone, "and it's to happen to-morrow morning."

For the last chapter, consult the graveyard within the jail walls! The guillotining which I witnessed in Paris, in the month of June, 1864, may be deemed worthy of an extended description: Couty de la Pommerais was a young physician of Paris, descended from a fine family, and educated beyond the requirements of a French Faculty.