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As her expression began to show relief, Joste gave her a courteous salute and left for the Communications section. Sedni wasn't the only one waiting there for him; so was his commander, Senior Group-Leader Kunnos. "Sedni briefed me," Kunnos said. "May I listen to your call?" "Of course, Group-Leader."

Will you need a linguist to replace Joste?" "If you please, Ka'ruchaya. Stanek, if he has recovered." "He will be on the ship." Jarna's expression became grim. "But hear my words, Group-Leader: none of my n'ruesten will force another to this living self-destruction again. I will not have them dishonor themselves so." "I would not ask it, Ka'ruchaya," Kunnos said.

He nestled closer to Joste's chest, and the sobs slowed to whimpers, then ceased. His breathing showed he had gone to sleep. Joste and the guards exchanged amazed glances. "What did you do to him, Group-Leader?" the younger one asked. "I did nothing, Sedni. What has happened to him was his own choice, he said. He had hoped to die before this became necessary."

"The tiny dark-skinned female is dead, Group-Leader," he reported, "but the bigger pale one's injuries were less serious than the physicians originally thought; she is alive and regaining consciousness. They will allow you to speak to her as long as you keep it brief and do not excite her." "Thank you, Chorvak. I will be careful."

"I will report this to the Supreme, with the recommendation that he order any found to have similar conditioning questioned no further." He extended claws to emphasize his determination. "I have no wish to be part of such dishonor, either." "Well said, Group-Leader." Jarna inclined her head. "Now if you will excuse me, I must return to my duties."

Care for him, see that he gets the medical help he needs including regrowth treatments if they are available there and bring him home as soon as he is able to travel. If you wish, I will arrange for his naming ceremony." "Thank you, Ka'ruchaya. Let him be named Horst, of Clan N'chark." "So be it, Cor'naya Joste." Jarna turned to Kunnos. "I will send a ship for them, Group-Leader.