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He afterwards made an English translation of the work, but without seeing fit to revise his material. Yet, notwithstanding, doing what I can, and doing my good will, methinks I should not be reprehended, at least not so much be railed of at M. Copes hand." * Strype, Life of Archbishop Grindal, p. 25. Acts and Monuments, i. 69 1. Edited 1570.

Grindal threw up his hands with a gesture of dismay. "That will ruin all," he said. "An officer of mine could do nothing but anger her Grace." "I must do my best," said Anthony; "it was through my folly he is in prison, and I could never rest if I left one single thing undone."

Grindal considered, for example, the details of the Catholic religion in reference to the individual, asking whether he could accept this or that: Anthony's tendency was rather to consider the general question first, and to take the difficulties in his stride afterwards.

"My lord," cried Anthony desperately, flushed and entreating, "all has been done through treachery. Do you not see it? I have been a brainless fool. That man behind Bow Church was a spy. For Christ's sake help us, my lord!" Grindal looked into the lad's great bright eyes; sighed; and threw out his hands despairingly. "It is useless; indeed it is useless, Mr. Norris.

In the morning he reported to the Archbishop what had taken place. "I feared it would be so," Grindal said. "There is nothing to be done but to commit your friend into God's hands, and leave him there." "My Lord," said Anthony, "I cannot leave it like that. I will go and see my lord bishop to-day; and then, if he can do nothing to help, I will even see the Queen's Grace herself."