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In September the family returned to the Strata. The move was made a little earlier this year on account of Alice Greggory's wedding.

It was the first time she had ever seen Alice Greggory's haughtily cold reserve break into anything like naturalness the astonished incredulity of that "Miss Neilson!" was plainly straight from the heart; so, too, were the amazed words that followed. "You will stand here?" "Certainly; I will keep your place. Don't worry. You sha'n't lose it."

"Are you good at answering a dozen questions at once?" asked Aunt Hannah, turning smiling eyes from Billy to the man at her side. "Well, I can try," he offered. "To begin with, they are Judge Greggory's widow and daughter. They belong to fine families on both sides, and they used to be well off really wealthy, for a small town.

Arkwright, and " From sheer amazement at the sudden white horror in Alice Greggory's face, Billy stopped short. "Why, Alice!" she faltered then. With a visible effort Alice forced her trembling lips to speak. "My husband Mr. Arkwright! Why, Billy, you couldn't have seen you haven't seen there's nothing you could see! He isn't he wasn't he can't be!

The last three words would have been almost inaudible to ears less sensitively alert than were Alice Greggory's. For a moment after the words were uttered, only the clock's ticking broke the silence; then, with an obvious effort, the man roused himself, as if breaking away from some benumbing force that held him.

"But you must have come so early! It isn't twelve o'clock yet," she faltered. A slight smile curved Alice Greggory's lips. "Yes, it was early," she rejoined a little bitterly; "but it had to be, you know. I wanted to hear the music; and with this soloist, and this weather, I knew that many others would want to hear the music, too." "But you look so white!