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Unbar the gates!" The soldier that had maltreated Tom obeyed promptly; and as the prince burst through the portal, half-smothered with royal wrath, the soldier fetched him a sounding box on the ear that sent him whirling to the roadway, and said "Take that, thou beggar's spawn, for what thou got'st me from his Highness!" The crowd roared with laughter.

Speak, dog! when got'st thou this?" Alvina was about to speak, and acknowledge that she had bestowed it; but before she could utter a syllable, the page exclaimed, "I confess all I stole it." "Enough!" cried the count. "Daughter, retire to your apartment." "Father!" cried the wretched girl, wringing her hands. "Silence, countess!" cried the count, with terrific emphasis.

Where got'st thou that goose-look? would supply a modern playwright with a square foot of gold-beaten invective. "True poems," said Irving, "are caskets which enclose in a small compass the wealth of the language its family jewels." But when poems are paid by the line, bards are pardonable for diffuseness. And then, besides diffuseness, our age has wonderful literary fecundity.

Unbar the gates!" The soldier that had maltreated Tom obeyed promptly; and as the prince burst through the portal, half-smothered with royal wrath, the soldier fetched him a sounding box on the ear that sent him whirling to the roadway, and said "Take that, thou beggar's spawn, for what thou got'st me from his Highness!" The crowd roared with laughter.

Methought I had read all that man of men ever wrote, said lord Herbert. 'But I may have read it, and let it slip. But now that, by the help of the music and thy singing, cousin Dorothy, I am come to understand it, truly I shall forget it no more. Where got'st thou the music, pray?

'Had he wanted in, my lord, it would have been different, said Eccles. 'But he only wanted out, and gave the watchword. 'Where got'st thou the watchword, Mr. Heywood? 'I will tell thee what I gave for it, my lord. More I will not. 'What gavest thou then? 'My word that I would work neither thee nor thine any hurt withal, my lord. 'Then there are traitors within my gates! cried the marquis.

Methought I had read all that man of men ever wrote, said lord Herbert. 'But I may have read it, and let it slip. But now that, by the help of the music and thy singing, cousin Dorothy, I am come to understand it, truly I shall forget it no more. Where got'st thou the music, pray?

'Had he wanted in, my lord, it would have been different, said Eccles. 'But he only wanted out, and gave the watchword. 'Where got'st thou the watchword, Mr. Heywood? 'I will tell thee what I gave for it, my lord. More I will not. 'What gavest thou then? 'My word that I would work neither thee nor thine any hurt withal, my lord. 'Then there are traitors within my gates! cried the marquis.

Lord Dalgarno could not forbear a stifled laugh at the ridiculous and puritanical figure which presented itself like a starved anatomy to the company, and whispered at the same time into Lord Glenvarloch's ear "The devil damn thee black, thou cream-faced loon, Where got'st thou that goose-look?"