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"Was it prudent in Major Gladwin to allow Pontiac and his chiefs to leave, after they had come into the fort with an intent to murder him and his men?" said Henry Campbell. "Would not the Major have been justified in detaining them?" "I certainly think he would have been, and so did my uncle, but Major Gladwin thought otherwise.

I congratulate you on that! But there's more of the mole than the pioneer about my work, such as it is!" Gladwin drifted about the next day like a tired fairy. He had a long conference with Father Payne, and at dinner he seemed aloof, and hardly spoke at all. He vanished the next day with an air of relief.

"So much for Major Gladwin's extreme sense of honour," exclaimed Alfred; "had he detained Pontiac as a prisoner, nothing of this would have happened." "I agree with you, Mr Alfred," replied Captain Sinclair? "it was letting loose a wolf; but Major Gladwin thought he was doing what was right, and therefore cannot be well blamed.

Even in 1820 the furs of Lake Superior were sent down to Chicago in bateaux. Two small sailing vessels, the "Beaver" and the "Gladwin," which proved very valuable to the besieged garrison at Detroit in 1763, were the next sailing vessels on the lakes, and are supposed to have been built by the English the year previous.

Her conduct and request excited suspicion. The Major questioned her closely and discovered Pontiac's plot. Be that as it may, on the night of the sixth Major Gladwin was on the alert. Nothing disturbed the peace of the mild May night. In the morning one watchman on the walls said to another, "See, yonder they come."

Major Gladwin then desired Pontiac to quit the fort immediately, as otherwise he should not be able to restrain the indignation of the soldiers, who would immolate him and all his followers who were outside the fort. Pontiac and his chiefs did not wait for a second intimation, but made all the haste they could to get outside of the gates."

Gladwin is a man who has to be taken as you find him, but who never makes any pretence of taking you as he finds you! But it will amuse me to put him through his paces a bit!" "Who on earth is Gladwin?" said I, consumed by curiosity. Father Payne and Barthrop laughed. "I should like Gladwin to hear that!" said Barthrop.