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It is time these authors were enlightened, for a man, native to the wilderness, is a better man . . . more honest, more chivalrous, more generous, and at heart, though he talks less about it more God-respecting . . . than the man born in the city.

Oh, you have been very generous, very noble; and now that your dupes are tired of being cheated now that your cat's paw has become useless to you I am to leave the country, because you will not sacrifice one selfish desire to save me from disgrace."

Where the obliging and humorous Jemmy B t, the gentle Billy H d, replete with human kindness, and the generous Johnny B d, respected and beloved by all the world, attend as the priests and ministers of mirth, good cheer, and jollity, and assist with culinary art the raw, unpractised, awkward guest. But to return from this digressive simile.

It takes away pleasure and leaves discontent and doubt, the mother-stuff of nervousness. While most American husbands are generous, there are enough stingy ones to set off their neighbors. To these men the goal of life is the accumulation of money, as indeed it is with the majority.

At forty, he was a handsomer man than he had been at twenty-five, yet, in spite of this, some virtue had gone out of him here, too, as in life, "something was missing." The generous impulses, the high heart for adventure, the enthusiasm of youth, and youth's white rage for perfection where were these?

"Vain task," he murmured, "to wean myself from the dead! Yet I am now betrothed to another; and she, with all her virtues, is not the one to " He stopped short in generous self-rebuke. "Too late to think of that! Now, all that should remain to me is to insure the happiness of the life to which I have pledged my own. But " He sighed as he so murmured.

Isabella, his generous protectress, was dead. Who was there now to take an interest in the old Genoese?

But when it falleth in your way to talk of your human nature, of the dictates, of the first principles of morals within you, and of your generous mind to follow it: oh what needs is there now of amplifying, enlarging, and pressing it on men's consciences!

Forming the generous resolve not to abandon the faithful and devoted pair without another effort, Adrian had followed Nina, but too late the door was closed against his efforts.

I want her to be intimate with them." "Well, I think they admire her," said Grace, evasively, "and feel disposed to be as intimate as she will let them." "Because," said John, "Rose Ferguson is such a splendid girl; she is so strong, and so generous, and so perfectly true and reliable, it would be the joy of my heart if Lillie would choose her for a friend."