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To go on fishing was like taking up with Bob again; to go away seemed like being afraid. But Dexter determined upon this last, drew out his line, and was stooping to pick up his basket, when Bob broke into a derisive war-dance "Yah, yah!" he cried. "Yer 'bliged to go. Yah! yer miserable, white-faced sneak! g'ome! g'ome! yah!"

"The moment he is home again!" said the doctor angrily. "Yah! Coward! G'ome, g'ome!" yelled Bob, jumping up on seeing his enemy in retreat. "Come here again and I'll knock yer silly. Yah!" "Dexter!" roared the doctor; "go back and knock that young blackguard's head off. Quick! Give it him! No mercy!"

Punctually on the stroke of eleven the swinging doors of the Angel were closed and the huge street lamps were extinguished. Dad's eye was glassy, but he remembered the lobster. "Whersh my lil' present?" he wailed. "Mush 'ave lil' present for the Duchess, y'know. 'Ow could I g'ome, d'ye think?"

"Royston was staring after him, and wondering at his, strange conduct, when he was recalled to himself by the voice of the deceased, who had struggled to his feet, and was holding on to the lamp-post, swaying to and fro. 'I wan' g'ome, he said in a thick voice, 'St. Kilda. He then tried to get into the cab, but was too drunk to do so, and finally sat down again on the pavement.

Pandemonium truly reigned and the scene was unquestionably one of indescribable confusion. Outside the gate they were again Breede and Bean; or, rather, Bean and Breede. The latter could not so quickly forget that public recognition by the Greatest Pitcher. "You're a puzzle t'me," said Breede. "Lord! I can't g'ome yet. Have't take me club."