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Updated: September 1, 2024

Ex quo vero fines Turcorum inuasimus, bella quidem primum frequentia concrepabant, et agmina Turcorum cum exercitibus imperij nostri vndique dimicabant. Sed Dei gratia ex toto a nostris in fugam vertebantur barbari.

The Plenary Council of Quebec urges the Catholics of Canada to meet in Congress: "Qui quidem in talium caetuum frequentia liberius poterunt et validius sui nominis professionem sustinere, hostiles impetus propulsare." In the mind of the great Pope Leo XIII, whose words are here quoted, "a Congress is the most powerful offensive and defensive weapon." Quebec Plenary Council No. 441, d.

Tradiderat interim Agricola successori suo provinciam quietam tutamque. Ac, ne notabilis celebritate et frequentia occurrentium introitus esset, vitato amicorum officio, noctu in urbem, noctu in palatium, ita ut praeceptum erat, venit: exceptusque brevi osculo et nullo sermone turbae servientium immixtus est.

Compare this with the concluding sentence of the preceding chapter. Celebritate et frequentia. 0fficio==salutatione. Dr. Brevi osculo, lit. a hasty kiss==cold and formal salutation. The kiss was a common mode of salutation among the Romans, in the age of the Emperors. See Becker's Gallus, p. 54. Turbae servientium. The usual and characteristic associates, as well as attendants of Domitian.

At non comparet hodie Shepardus in his comitiis; oculos huc illuc torqueo; quocumque tamen inciderint, Platonem meum intanta virorum illustrium frequentia requirunt; nusquam amicum et pernecessarium meum in hac solenni panegyric, inter nosce Reverendos Theologos, Academiae Curatores, reperire aut oculis vestigare possum."

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