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And Jenkins Hollis's feat of riding stolidly one could hardly say bravely up an almost sheer precipice to a flame-belching battery came suddenly into the landed magnate's recollection with the gentle vapors and soothing aroma of a meditative after-dinner pipe.

Into these, men of France, has your Fort Duquesne grown mile on mile of flame-belching buildings, with a garrison as great as the population of all New France in the day of Duquesne. The new-world epic will find some of its color and incident there an epic in which we have already heard the men of France nailing the sheets of "white iron" against the trees of the valley of La Belle Riviere.

No answer, save the muffled echo of a jeer, from within. Boom! What was that? Mad with terror though he was, he whirled about, and faced the room now quivering with heat. Even as he looked, a great gap yawned in the western wall, farthest from the flame-belching oxygen-tank that had been struck.

The ring of flame-belching mouths of bronze that encircled Sedan, the eight hundred guns of the German armies, that were served with such activity and raised such an uproar, were expending their thunders on the adjacent fields; had that concentric fire been focused upon the city, had the batteries on those commanding heights once begun to play upon Sedan, it would have been reduced to ashes and pulverized into dust in less than fifteen minutes.

The third week passed. Crossing the orbit of Mars, now approximately in opposition to Jupiter, the Sandra streaked on into the last leg of her long voyage. The sun was a vast, flame-belching disk on her starboard side, and ahead lay Earth, growing each hour. Cheerfulness pervaded the ship, nerves were relaxing, faces lightening.