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We may get off scot-free. Unlikelier things than that have come to pass. Even if we shouldn't, and the chances fail, we can but be worked off once: and when it's well done, it's so neat, so skilful, so captiwating, if that don't seem too strong a word, that you'd hardly believe it could be brought to sich perfection. Kill one's fellow-creeturs off, with muskets!

"It only shows how easy it is to misjudge one's fellow-creeturs. When you went away sudden four years ago, I says to myself, 'Ben Prout, I says, 'make up your mind to it, that two quid has gorn." The smile vanished from Mr. Carter's face, and a sudden chill descended upon the company. "Two quid?" he said, stiffly. "What two quid?" "The two quid I lent you," said Mr. Prout, in a pained voice.

Harris, I says to her, 'don't name the charge, for if I could afford to lay my fellow-creeturs out for nothink, I would gladly do it, sich is the love I bears 'em." A benevolent unbosoming, or self-revelation, that last, on the part of Mrs.

No wonder it thundered and lightened, and de waves splashed in, and de captain prayed. Lord above! de captain prayed, when he was stealin and murderin of his fellow-creeturs. We didn't go down, we got safe across. Some went here, some went thar, and I come long wid de rest to Virginny. Ever sence, workin and slavin; ever sence, sweatin and drivin; workin all day, workin all night."

"It only shows how easy it is to misjudge one's fellow-creeturs. When you went away sudden four years ago, I says to myself, 'Ben Prout, I says, 'make up your mind to it, that two quid has gorn." The smile vanished from Mr. Carter's face, and a sudden chill descended upon the company. "Two quid?" he said, stiffly. "What two quid?" "The two quid I lent you," said Mr. Prout, in a pained voice.