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Would you believe it, he says he hasn't any poor at all in his parish! They're all well-to-do farmers or else able-bodied labourers, and his one terror is that somebody will come and try to pauperise them. 'If a philanthropist were to give me fifty pounds to-day for use at Empingham, he said, 'I assure you, Sir Charles, I shouldn't know what to do with it.

"She doesn't even mention where they've gone," Amelia exclaimed, in a very bad humour. "The concierge may know," Isabel suggested, looking over my shoulder. We asked at his office. Yes, the gentleman's address was the Rev. Richard Peploe Brabazon, Holme Bush Cottage, Empingham, Northumberland. Any address where letters might be sent at once, in Paris?

There'll be three between us each day, and we'll run our luck. The horses have gone on to Empingham for to-morrow. Tailby is rather a way off, at Somerby; but we'll manage it. If the worst comes to the worst, we can get back to Stamford by rail. On Wednesday we shall have everything very comfortable. They're out beyond Stilton and will draw home our way. I've planned it all out.

At any rate, no such person as the Reverend Richard Peploe Brabazon was ever afterwards heard of and, for the matter of that, no such village exists as Empingham, Northumberland. We communicated the matter to the Parisian police. They were most unsympathetic. "It is no doubt Colonel Clay," said the official whom we saw; "but you seem to have little just ground of complaint against him.