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You say you want to get at these details mainly as the go-befores and embryons of "Leaves of Grass." Very good; you shall have at least some specimens of them all.

This idea, besides its being unsupported by any analogy we are acquainted with, ascribes a greater tenuity to organized matter, than we can readily admit; as these included embryons are supposed each of them to consist of the various and complicate parts of animal bodies: they must possess a much greater degree of minuteness, than that which was ascribed to the devils that tempted St.

The yolk therefore is not necessary to the spawn of fish, the eggs of insects, or for the seeds of vegetables; as their embryons have probably their food presented to them as soon as they are excluded from their shells, or have extended their roots.

It is hardly necessary to consider here the fantastic fashionings of Erik Satie, the "newest" French composer. He seems to have out-Schoenberged Schoenberg in his little piano pieces bearing the alluring titles of Embryons desséchés, preludes and pastorales. Apart from the extravagant titles, the music itself is ludicrous qua music, but not without subtle irony.

It now is made to appear that the serf was only required to submit his unharm'd abdomen as a foot cushion while his lord supp' d, and was required to chafe the legs of the seigneur with his hands. It is curiously in embryons and childhood, and among the illiterate, we always find the groundwork and start, of this great science, and its noblest products.

I do not assert that these moving particles, visible by the microscope, are homunciones; perhaps they may be the creatures of stagnation or putridity, or perhaps no creatures at all; but if they are supposed to be rudiments of homunculi, or embryons, such a profusion of them corresponds with the general efforts of nature to provide for the continuance of her species of animals.

Insects impregnated for six generations. Polypus branches like buds. Creeping roots. Viviparous flowers. Tænia, volvox. Eve from Adam's rib. Semen not a stimulus to the egg. Embryons not originally created within other embryons. Organized matter is not so minute. 2. All the parts of the embryon are not formed in the male parent. Crabs produce their legs, worms produce their heads and tails.

This is so analogous to the manner in which the buds of trees appear to be produced, that these polypi may be considered as all male animals, producing embryons, which require no mother to supply them with a nidus, or with nutriment, and oxygenation.

These vessels, when the warmth of the vernal sun hatches the young bud, serve it with a saccharine nutriment, till it acquires leaves of its own, and shoots a new system of absorbents down the bark and root of the tree, just as the farinaceous or oily matter in seeds, and the saccharine matter in fruits, serve their embryons with nutriment, till they acquire leaves and roots.