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Weston directed the whole, officiating safely between Hartfield and the Vicarage, and every body was in good time. Emma and Harriet went together; Miss Bates and her niece, with the Eltons; the gentlemen on horseback. Mrs. Weston remained with Mr. Woodhouse. Nothing was wanting but to be happy when they got there.

It will be Jack's eventually one way or another; and Jack must be more like the Eltons than the Gwynnes unless, indeed, he is like his American ancestors." She turned her soft non-committal eyes on the stranger. "You are his thirty-first cousin, are you not?" "Not quite so remote. But why do you call him Jack? He is known to fame as Elton Gwynne." "His name is John Elton Cecil Gwynne.

This, unofficially, to Roy, who had secured leave off for tiffin at the Eltons', and had ridden forward to report his departure and inquire after the damaged hand, that concerned him more than anything else just then not even excepting Rose. It had been roughly wrapped in a silk handkerchief; and Lance pooh-poohed concern. "Hurts a bit, of course. But it's no harm.

She was extremely glad that they had come to so good an understanding respecting the Eltons, and that their opinions of both husband and wife were so much alike; and his praise of Harriet, his concession in her favour, was peculiarly gratifying.