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When this agreeable office was performed, each felt in better condition for a conference. "Elkfoot got belt from Canada fadder," commenced the Chippewa, with a sententious allusion to the British propensity to keep the savages in pay. "KNOW he got him KNOW he keep him." "And you, Pigeonswing by your manner of talking I had set you down for a king's Injin, too." "TALK so no FEEL bit so.

"And you are friendly to the Yankees, and an enemy to the red- coats?" Waubkenewh grasped the hand of le Bourdon, and squeezed it firmly. Then he said, warily: "Take care Elkfoot friend of Blackbird; like to look at Canada belt. Got medal of king, too. Have Yankee scalp, bye'm by. Take care must speak low, when Elkfoot near."

"I begin to understand you, Chippewa; you wish me to believe that YOU are a friend to America, and that the Pottawatamie is not. If this be so, why have you held the speech that you did last night, and seemed to be on a war-path AGAINST my countrymen?" "Dat good way, eh? Elkfoot den t'ink me HIS friend dat very good in war-time." "But is it true, or false, that Mackinaw is taken by the British?"

Dem Pottawattamie his friend when dey come to meet ole chief, no find him; but find Pigeonwing; got me when tired and 'sleep; got Elkfoot scalp wid me sorry for dat know scalp by scalp-lock, which had gray hair, and some mark. So put me in canoe, and meant to take Chippewa to Chicago to torture him but too much wind. So, when meet friend in t'odder canoe, come back here to wait little while."