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When I married Egoritch I didn't so much as know how to read and write. Now I've learned, thanks to Vassily Fedotitch. He didn't teach me himself, he paid an old man to do it. It was he who taught me. You see I'm still young, although I'm grown up." Mariana was silent. "I wanted to learn some sort of trade, Tatiana Osipovna," Mariana began; "we must talk about that later on.

A voice called out suddenly from the other side of the door. "Can you come out?" "Who is it? What do you want?" "Do come, please," the voice repeated insistently. "Some new workmen have come. They're trying to explain something, and Pavel Egoritch is not there." Solomin excused himself and went out.

"Then I shall call you Tatiana Osipovna." "And I'll call you Mariana Vikentievna. That will be splendid." "Won't you take a cup of tea with us, Tatiana Osipovna?" "For once I will, Mariana Vikentievna, although Egoritch will scold me afterwards." "Who is Egoritch?" "Pavel, my husband." "Sit down, Tatiana Osipovna." "Thank you, Mariana Vikentievna."

I shall not always have such an opportunity as I have with you." Tatiana turned her empty cup upside down on the saucer. "It's a difficult matter," she said at last with a sigh, "and can't be settled so easily. I'll do what I can, but I'm not very clever. We must talk it over with Egoritch. He's clever if you like! Reads all sorts of books and has everything at his fingers' ends."