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"Why, I thought you two were such friends and mates already. Bah! lads, you shouldn't fight without there's good reason." "But we didn't fight," cried Mercer angrily. "Why, just look at you both! your faces say it as plain as your lips." "But I mean not together. Eely Burr and big Dicksee came and thrashed us. They would not leave us alone."

"I say, here's a go! You've got to come up into the loft directly." "The loft!" I said, feeling that here was something fresh. "What for?" "Eely wants us. He sent Dicksee to me to say that we were to go to him directly." "Do you know what for?" I said huskily. "Yes, Dicksee told me. He said he was going to punch our heads for being cheeky. But I say, Frank, we're not obliged to go, are we?"

I told him you'd give him another dressing down if he came sneaking about here." "And so I will," cried Tom. "He has never forgiven me, though, for the last. I know he hates me. So does Eely hate you." "Let 'em," I said, as we went on. "But they'll serve us out some day if they can." "Dinner dinner!" I cried.

The Doctor finished by coughing in a peculiar way, and the clatter of knives and forks began again. "He don't know yet about the fights," I whispered; "and, I say, look!" "What's the matter?" "Eely hasn't come down yet." "Fatty has. I say, just look at his eyes." "Horrid!" I whispered. "He looks fatter than ever. But Eely oh, I hope he isn't very bad!" "I hope he is," said Mercer maliciously.