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At these astounding words it was my turn to look amazed. "Vengeance?" I echud. "What wrong have you done me or any living creature? Come, my dear," and I moved nearer by seating myself on the corner of the table, close to the type-writer, and leaning towards her, "let us look at this thing soberly. If ever a man had need of woman I have need of you. I can live alone no longer.

My heart sank. "Why?" I asked. We fenced a little. She gave half reasons, womanlike, of which I proved the inadequacy. I recapitulated the arguments I had used in my letter. She met them with hints and vague allusions. At last she cut the knot. "I am going back to my husband." I rose to my feet and echud the words.

"Since we met, guess how many times I've crossed the Atlantic. Four times!" Long-suffering Atlantic! "And about yourself. Still going piano, piano with books and things?" "Yes, books and things," I echud. The page came up and announced Hamdi's intention of immediate appearance. "And how is that charming young lady, your ward, Miss Carlotta?" continued my tormentor. "Yes," I answered hurriedly.

"A man sucks in the consolations of philosophy; a woman solaces herself with religion." "I can do neither," she replied, changing her attitude with an exaggerated shaking down of skirts. "If I could, I shouldn't want to go away." "Go away?" I echud. "Yes. You mustn't be vexed with me. I haven't got a cook " "No one would have thought it, from the luncheon you gave me, my dear."