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For, you see, de 'fernally fool seemed to 'pend on her for ebberyt'ing. And he ax her couldn't she help him? And she rushed about de room and fotch somefin, and he put it to my nose, and I went dead!" "It must have been chloroform," suggested Ishmael. "Dunno what it was; but I'm sure I should know de truck ag'in.

And nex' minute my lordship had me by de t'roat, and den he began cussin' and swearin', an' sassin' at me hard as ebber he could. But didn't I gib him good as he sent, soon as ebber he let go my t'roat? Well, childun, I jus' did! But den, when dey foun' out I had heern ebberyt'ing, and knowed all deir 'fernally tricks, and mean to 'form on dem, dey got scared, dey did!

"I shouldn't t'ink yer pa'd want ter feed dem folkes aftah de way dey done pried 'roun' inter ebberyt'ing." "Well, it is annoying, of course, Sukey, but after all they were but doing their duty," answered Peggy slowly. "Yes'm," said the black giving her young mistress a sharp look, then turning she busied herself about the fire.

Why, sah, dat ar' my onlies home befo' de wah. Ole Marse Rankim own um, an' me an' he boy, de young marse, hab de same mammy. So him my froster-brudder. He gwine away fer a sailor ossifer, an' den de wah comin' on, an' ebberyt'ing gwine ter smash. He name 'Summer. Yo' know dat young gen'l'man?" "Yes," replied Mr. Manton, "I knew him intimately.