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Yer blushin', Meg. Ha! Ha!... Oh, Gawd, me 'eart's broke.... Forget?... Hit's you, Doc Judson, as will look arter Captain Carter now. Good-bye, Doc.... Why, there's 'er face again. Damn you, Meg. Hi hates you, but Hi loves you.... Captain Carter.... Ah-h-h." His struggle with Love, with Life, and with Death was over. With a long-drawn sigh of relief his spirit had passed.

"'Did you see the tiger? ses Bill Chambers. "'See it? ses the tramp, with a shiver. 'Oh, Lord! "He made signs for more brandy, and Henery Walker, wot was acting as landlord, without being asked, gave it to 'im. "'It chased me for over a mile, ses the tramp; 'my 'eart's breaking. "He gave a groan and fainted right off.

"Ey win live to be revenged, Bess," cried the miller, rising suddenly, and stamping his foot on the ground, "that accursed witch has robbed me o' my' eart's chief treasure hoo has crushed a poor innocent os never injured her i' thowt or deed an has struck the heaviest blow that could be dealt me; but by the heaven above us ey win requite her!

"Oh, well, Mr Ben, if it's to be like that I can't help it; but please recollect that however disrespectful I seem through this business my 'eart's in its right place, and I think just the same of you as ever I did."