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The original documents are preserved in the above office and may be seen by anyone who cares to apply. Probably one of the motives actuating the Society "Pax" and the Rev. B. Duhr was the intention to refute the accusations of cruel outrages by Belgian and French Catholic priests.

The famous Autobiography of St. Ignatius Loyola and the Early Jesuits, ed. by W. H. Eyre ; Francis Thompson, Life of Saint Ignatius ; T. A. Hughes, Loyola and the Educational System of the Jesuits . Monumental national histories of the Jesuits are now appearing under the auspices of the Order: for Germany, by Bernhard Duhr, Vol. I , Vol. II ; for Italy, by Pietro Tacchi Venturi, Vol.

Duhr writes: "The incredible speed with which these lying tales of horror spread on all sides must be classed as a morbid phenomenon, a sort of blood-cult. Their consequences could only be to act upon the national soul as a stimulant, inspiring fear and brutality." The author of this work is prepared to go much farther than the Rev.

What was done more or less in secret is now proclaimed on the housetops, and the result, as might be expected, is in many ways interesting and instructive.* * Die Jesuiten an den deutschen Furstenhofen des 16ten Jahrhunderts. Auf Grund ungedruckter Quellen. Von Bernhard Duhr, S. J., Freiburg im Breisgau, 1901.

His work should have permanent value in the literature of war psychology, but he only undertakes to expose German lies, and in his 72-paged booklet he proves to the hilt the charges made in this work. In his introduction the Rev. Duhr states that the office of the Priests' Society "Pax" in Cologne has taken great pains to expose and refute lies as fast as they have appeared.

But the world owes a debt of gratitude to the Rev. Bernhard Duhr, S.J., and the "Pax" Society in Cologne. The accusations of plundering on the part of German soldiers is naturally denied in toto by all parties in the Fatherland. Indeed, it has been discovered that the British army was guilty of wilful destruction in Belgium.