United States or Sierra Leone ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But so many people want a young doctor to be experienced before they ever will call him in! "Get experience," they say; and not a doggone one in a dozen'll ever give a fellow any chance to get the experience. "What the most of 'em want is for some one else to give us the experience."

Oh, a dozen'll do, seeing we've got steak "; and I limply showed all I had fifteen. Dan scratched his head trying to solve the problem. "Never reckon it's worth beginning under a dozen," he said; but finally suggested tossing for 'em after they were cooked. "Not the first time I've tossed for eggs either," he said, busy grilling steak on a gridiron made from bent-up fencing wire.

We'll go down to the stairs together. 'Boat ahoy! says I, and half a dozen'll want to take us, but I picks one and he'll want ever so much; but I says: 'Thruppence a-piece to our ships, and tells him we won't pay no more. He'll be glad enough to go. Only a little way. Then I sets you aboard the 'Flash'; you gives me your thruppence, and I makes him take me to the Old Bull, and pays him then."

"I knew you'd be," answered the Lieutenant; "so I got the General to let me have you. We'll get some 10 or 12 other good boys. That will be enough. I understand that there are about 100 regular attendants at the lodge, but they'll not all be there at any time, and a dozen of us can easily handle what we find there at home." "A dozen'll be a great plenty," assented Shorty. "More'd be in the way."