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Beauchamp's, the goldsmith, to look out a piece of plate to give Mr. Fox from my Lord, for his favour about the L4,000, and did choose a gilt tankard. So to Paul's Churchyard and bought "Cornelianum. dolium:" The book has a frontispiece representing the sweating tub which, from the name of the patient, was styled Cornelius's tub.

Their size need not surprise us, for Ciampini speaks of a pottery DOLIUM of such vast size and height that a ladder of ten or twelve rungs was needed to reach the opening. The potter gave free vent to his imagination, but the decorations representing fish-bones, palm branches, zigzags, circles, and dots, are all of very inferior execution. Earthenware pig found at a depth of 13 feet.

Davis sat with me a good while after the other was gone, talking of his hard usage and of the endeavour to put him out of his place in the time of the late Commissioners, and he do speak very highly of their corruption. After he was gone I fell a reading 'Cornelianum dolium' till 11 o'clock at night with great pleasure, and after that to bed. 4th.

"Tunc repente caelitum altum tonitribus templum tonescat, Et pater divon trisu cum fulmen igni fervido actum Mutat in tholum macelli." From the Dolium aut Seria, in anapaestics. "Mundus domus est maxima homulli Quam quinque altitonae flammigerae Zonae cingunt per quam limbus Bis sex signis stellumicantibus Aptus in obliquo aethere Lunae Bigas acceptat." The sentiment reminds us of Plato.

The men made a tremendous noise, which frightened our bullocks, and hastened to the place where their gins were. The latter, among whom was a remarkably tall one, decamped at our approach. A fine shell of Dolium was in their camp, which we passed through. After we had passed by, the natives followed us; upon which I returned towards them, and hung a nose ring on the branch of a small tree.