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"And there, sir!" she tossed a pen. Hearing Braintop mutter, "Lady-like behaviour," Mrs. Chump came out in a fiery bloom. "Ye detestable young fella! Oh, ye young deceiver! Ye cann't do the work of a man! Oh! and here's another woman dis'pointed, and when she thought she'd got a man to write her letters!" Braintop rose and retorted. "Ye're false, Mr. Braintop ye're offensuv, sir!" said Mrs.

She was so dis'pointed, she by-'n'-by got sick homesick, and just after the first snow came, she she went 'way to heaven. And that's why my father won't have me go to the school. He say it killed Metalka. He say if she'd stayed home, she'd been happy Indian and lived long time. He say Indian got hurt; spoiled going off into white man's country." "How came he to let your sister go, Lula?"

It took all the money was earned to pay big 'counts up at agency store, where Indians bought things, things to eat, you know; so what's the use, they said, to try to live white ways when everything was 'gainst them, and they stopped trying; and Metalka was so dis'pointed, for she was going do so much, going help civ-civ'lize.

"What is the matter with you, you queer little creature?" said Miss Ramsay. "What in the world are you crying about?" "I is so bitter dis'pointed," repeated Diana. "What, because I don't hate your Aunt Jane?" "I is bitter dis-pointed," repeated Diana.

"And there, sir!" she tossed a pen. Hearing Braintop mutter, "Lady-like behaviour," Mrs. Chump came out in a fiery bloom. "Ye detestable young fella! Oh, ye young deceiver! Ye cann't do the work of a man! Oh! and here's another woman dis'pointed, and when she thought she'd got a man to write her letters!" Braintop rose and retorted. "Ye're false, Mr. Braintop ye're offensuv, sir!" said Mrs.

Look arter your own fare, and take him 'ome and put him ter bed, but don't yer a'come abotherin' me. I've done the best day's work I've ever 'ad in my life, and if so be the pair of yer like to come into the pub here, well, I don't know as I won't a stand yer both a two of Scotch cold. It looks as if 'twould kind a' cheer the guvner up a bit, seem' as how he's dis'pointed like. Come on now!"