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In the earlier years of the last century James Derham, of New Orleans, became the first regularly recognized Negro physician of whom there is a complete record. Born in Philadelphia in 1762, as a boy he was transferred to a physician for whom he learned to perform minor duties. Afterwards he was sold to a physician in New Orleans who used him as an assistant.

It had taken me eight years to catch up to the point where Mr. Derham left off, but I had finally succeeded. As I was but twenty-eight years of age, I congratulated myself with a little self-conceit that was perhaps pardonable. It had certainly been a hard up-hill fight.

These scenes, though not of daily occurrence, were frequent enough to relieve the monotony of office life and at the same time to give me a wholesome fear of incurring my employer's displeasure. In the summer of 1868 Mr. Thomas Derham was married.

He glanced at it, and then all the nervous irritability for which that individual was noted came to the surface at once. Springing up from his desk, upsetting the chair in his haste and rushing toward me, he shouted: "Here! take this back to Mr. Derham; tell him I won't have it! I didn't sell it; get out!"

Such aspiration was especially voiced in the earnest songs of Phyllis, in the martyrdom of Attucks, the fighting of Salem and Poor, the intellectual accomplishments of Banneker and Derham, and the political demands of the Cuffes. Stern financial and social stress after the war cooled much of the previous humanitarian ardor.

Derham the year previous. This was most unsatisfactory to me, for while of course it was a much larger income than I had ever before earned, it was so far below my expectations that I could not but feel keen disappointment. Still, I knew that I now possessed a business, and as the prospects were good I started the new year with courage and the determination to make a better showing.

Physico-Theology; or a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God from his Works of Creation. By William Derham, D.D., 1713. Voltaire, in Micromégas, ch.

Derham delegated to me the placing of many of the smaller orders and occasionally sent me on business trips to near-by cities. I worked hard and faithfully to make my services valuable.

Early in the year two incidents occurred that helped me immensely. The largest consumers in our line were the oil refiners, all of whom have since been absorbed by the Standard Oil Company. These concerns were heavy buyers, and Mr. Thomas Derham had the preference on their business.

Professor Wallace, Derham, and a number of German statistic, and physico-theological writers had taken the same ground, namely, that population increases in a geometrical, but the accessional nutriment only in arithmetical ratio and that vice and misery, the natural consequences of this order of things, were intended by providence as the counterpoise.