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Of course as human beings we can be healthy minds on one day and sick souls on the next; and as amateur dabblers in philosophy we may perhaps be allowed to call ourselves monistic pluralists, or free- will determinists, or whatever else may occur to us of a reconciling kind.

AT that time there had appeared in Dublin an erratic genius in the medical craft, a young surgeon, 'Black Dillon, they called him, the glory and disgrace of his calling; such as are from time to time raised up to abase the pride of intellect, and terrify the dabblers in vice.

One turn in the park, and she would set her down, and go herself into the city, if necessary, to match the pattern. And this from Theodora, who detested fancy work, despised what she called 'dabblers in silk and wool, and hated the sight of a Berlin shop!

"Lawrence has all his wits about him," growled the Major. "It will be a long while before any girl with a dowry will look at you! What women like is a bold man of action; what they despise, mere dabblers in pen and ink, writers of poisonous sensational tales such as yours! I'm quoting your own reviewers, so you needn't contradict me!"

The number of dabblers in science of persons with a slight smattering of chemistry, geology, botany, and so on too, promises to be largely increased for some time to come by the arrangements of one sort or another made by colleges and schools for scientific education; and though there is reason to expect from this education a considerable improvement in knowledge of the art of reasoning, there is also reason to fear a considerable increase of dogmatic temper, of eagerness for experimentation in all fields, and of scorn for the experience of persons who have never worked in the laboratory or done any deep-sea dredging.

Oh, yes, I know very well what my fine gentlemen dabblers in the new sciences will say the fellow was daft and delirious he had lost grip on reality and his fevered wits mixed a mumble-jumble of ancient symbolism with his own adventures.

As to the copper and iron mines of Lake Superior, many dabblers in fancy stocks are but too well acquainted with them, and many burned fingers testify against those investments of capital. Still, the amount of mineral is immense, and the quality of the purest; and these mines will no doubt pay well, if worked with skill and capital.