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By deep midnight we were thundering over the great stone Pont d'Elbe, to the Hotel de Saxe, where, by one o'clock, we were lost in dreams. In the morning the question was, how to find our party. "Waiter, bring me a directory." "There is no directory, sir." "No directory? Then how shall we contrive to find our friends?" "Monsieur has friends residing in Dresden?"

D'Elbe, who acted as Commander-in-Chief, fell early in the day. Bonchamps, whose military skill was superior to that of any of the Vendeans; was mortally wounded, and before the battle was lost, de Lescure the brave de Lescure, whom they all so loved, so nearly worshipped was struck down and carried from the field.

With sunrise the next morning, the army was again on the move towards Saumur: it was arranged that Cathelineau, de Lescure, Denot, and Larochejaquelin should lead the men through the trenches and into the camp; and that d'Elbe should remain on the road, prepared, if necessary, to second the attack, but ready should the first attempt be successful, to fall on the republicans as they retreated from the camp to the town, and, if possible, to follow them within the walls.

Account of an evening in which, from eight o'clock to three in the morning, Napoleon examines with Gaudin his general budget, during seven consecutive hours, without stopping a minute. Sir Neil Campbell, "Napoleon at Fontainebleau and at Elbe," p.243. "Journal de Sir Neil Campbell a' l'ile d'Elbe": I never saw any man, in any station in life, so personally active and so persistent in his activity.

Notwithstanding his gloomy presentiments, Peter made the best of his way to M. d'Elbee, and having found him, told him how the men had started by themselves for Saumur; how de Lescure and Cathelineau had followed them; how they intended to attack the camp at Varin that night, and he ended by saying, "And you, M. d'Elbe " "Of course we must follow them," said d'Elbee.

At length they reached a temporary altar, standing on a platform raised five steps above the ground, which had been erected under the care of M. d'Elbe since the arrival of the bishop in Montreuil.