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"I know! I know!" "Well, perhaps you also know that among the King's enemies, some dare to accuse him of having killed Mlle. Susy d'Orsel?" "Oh! Such people ought to be cut in pieces." "Alas, Monsieur Wulf, we are not yet in a position to avenge His Majesty. You don't happen to know who the real murderer is, do you?"

I know where we can go...." "But we've been everywhere." "We'll go to my rooms ... to her rooms ... to Susy d'Orsel ... she's my girl ... d'ye know, she's been expecting me for supper since midnight." "More supper?" "Of course ... there's plenty of room left." With some difficulty the stranger managed to give the address, 247 Rue de Monceau.

There would be terrible diplomatic complications.... It's a case of suicide.... Susy d'Orsel committed suicide beyond a doubt." Juve smiled slightly. "That has to be proved, hasn't it?" "Certainly it must be proved. The accident happened at number 247 Rue de Monceau. Go there, question the concièrge ... the only witness.... In a word, bring us the proof of suicide in written form.

And so, my dear Juve, you had better take two men with you, and without delay go to the hotel and arrest the man who is passing for the King, and who is, besides, the murderer of Susy d'Orsel." This is what Juve feared; he determined to make every effort to prevent the arrest of Fandor. "All this is very well, but I think you will agree with me that it is a romance, Monsieur Annion."

"Not much fun for the King here!" he thought, "it's devilish monotonous ... can't see anything, and nothing to hear ... hold on, I can distinguish three separate noises, the plash of the water from the fountains, the rumble of carriages, and that heavy sound can only be the passage of trains from the North-South in the tunnel, which if I mistake not is right under my prison ... and these Singing Fountains ... they are accounted for by the King howling when he got drunk ... but what about the night Susy d'Orsel was killed?... The King wasn't here then, and yet they were heard singing?"