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We have only room to add, that shortly thereafter two marriages were celebrated two individuals who had been accustomed to hold their heads high were effectually humbled; and, to this day, whenever any farmer, or other individual, is supposed to be dealing unfairly with his neighbours, it is a common saying in the district "Send Duncan Cowpet, to see what he is about."

Duncan was no eavesdropper; but his curiosity was strongly excited by what he had heard, and he could neither go in nor drag himself with sufficient speed from the door. As Elspeth was concluding her ejaculations, the frightened damsel returned, and was heard to say, in a suppressed tone "O mither, dinna be angry I thought I saw Duncan Cowpet come past the window, an' I ran to be out o' his gait.

But, on recovering himself, he told them that his name was Duncan Cowpet that he had been born in Scotland, but his parents had removed to England when he was very young that he had lately been a traveller for a house in London, but his master being now dead, and himself out of employment, he had thought of visiting his native country; he added that, though his dress was rather plain, he was not destitute of money, and concluded by offering to pay them for the trouble they had already been at on his account, and also for his night's lodging.

Black, who raised a heavy oaken cudgel to strike him on the head. Had that blow descended, the probability is that Duncan Cowpet would have slept with his fathers; but George Chrighton wrenched the stick from the hand of the infuriated man. "Unchain the dog!" bawled Mr. Black, in a voice of thunder. "I'll s-et loose Cae-sar," hickuped his son.

A little after daybreak, letters were delivered to the whole of the parties concerned, summoning them to meet the laird at an inn in the neighbourhood; and the surprise of all may be easily imagined when they discovered that Sir Patrick Felspar was no other than Duncan Cowpet in a different dress.

Duncan Cowpet, who, notwithstanding his unlucky name, had escaped unhurt, volunteered his services for this expedition, and went off, with the cart and one of the horses, to the smithy.