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Correggio's "Reading Magdalen" is in the same gallery; probably no one picture exists which has been more universally admired than this. There was a large work of his representing "The Shepherds Adoring the Infant Saviour," at Seville, in Spain. By some accident the two parts were separated; but both were sold, and the purchaser of each was promised that the other portion should be given him.

A considerable time elapsed before her wish was gratified, but in the end her perseverance triumphed over all difficulties, and on the last day of July, 1501, she wrote to tell Messer Lorenzo that the beautiful clavichord which he had made for the Duchess of Milan had been given her by Galeazzo Pallavicino, the husband of Niccolo da Correggio's half-sister, Elizabeth Sforza, and would be doubly precious to her as his work and because of its rare excellence.

Between the bookcases and over the mantel-piece hung prints; most noticeable among them, Steinla's engraving of Raphael's Sistine Madonna, and Toschi's reproduction, in lines, of the luminous majesty of Correggio's St. Peter and St. Paul; and these were but specimens of the treasures inclosed in a huge portfolio that stood where the light fell favorably upon it.

Sir W. Stirling Maxwell writes that an old Duke of Modena was suspected of having caused Correggio's 'Notte' to be stolen from a church at Reggio, and that the princes of Este were wont to carry 'The Magdalene Reading' with them on their journeys, while the king of Poland kept it under lock and key in a frame of jewelled silver.

Of late years his popularity has been somewhat diminished by the increasing demands of private collectors for works which are purchasable, and most of Correggio's are in public galleries. At Dresden are some of the most famous, notably the Nativity, called "La Notte," from its wonderful scheme of illumination, and two or three large altar-pieces.

He is a good delver, a good sifter, and, what is equally important, a good interpreter, not merely bringing facts to the light, but compelling them to give out, like Correggio's pictures, a light of their own.

In a week's time, I will make a sound, sane man of you; and then I will teach you how to get the colours you seek yes! he added, smiling, 'even to the compassing of Correggio's blue. "I could not speak for joy and gratitude; I grasped my friend and preserver by the hand.

He respected Correggio's handiwork with religious scrupulousness, adding not a line or tone or touch of colour to the fading frescoes; but he lived among them, aloft on scaffoldings, and face to face with the originals which he designed to reproduce.

As an example of the motives and objects supplied by the school, I must borrow some lines from a sonnet of the period written by Agostino Carracci: 'Let him, who a good painter would be, Acquire the drawing of Rome, Venetian action, and Venetian shadow, And the dignified colouring of Lombardy, The terrible manner of Michael Angelo, Titian's truth and nature, The sovereign purity of Correggio's style, And the true symmetry of Raphael;

The Saxon town pleased him more than Berlin, both by its structural picturesqueness and surroundings. The palace, begun by Augustus, he esteemed the most curious masterpiece of rococo architecture. The Gallery he thought over-rated; but he none the less admired Correggio's Night, his Magdalene and two Virgins, as also Raphael's Virgins, and the Dutch pictures.