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But he chose at present to make light of it, almost as if he were chaffing above his knowledge of some calamity. "Some book Johnny says a chap is either a fool or a physician at forty," he remarked, drawing the blanket more closely about him. "I should hardly rank you as a Harley Street consultant, sir," I swiftly retorted, which was slanging him enormously because he had turned forty.

Thus the hospital surgeon, the nerve specialist, or the mental consultant may be served with a subpoena to appear at court on a certain date to give evidence. The evidence of such skilled observers will, it is supposed, carry greater weight with the jury than would the evidence of an ordinary practitioner.

She could see nothing that went on where Mal cuddled one puppy, girl-fashion, while Hod played in quite another fashion with the other. The window was behind Zani. Soames had not been too attentive. He realized it. "What's that, Captain?" "Your status is clarified," said Captain Moggs, authoritatively. "You have been appointed a civilian consultant. You had no official status before.

How much better it would be, if the practitioner does not see fit to call in a competent consultant, to prescribe a suitable agent to be given internally, and to recommend complete rest for the subject.