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Cum priores rerum scriptores considero, deterreor a scribendo; cum vero nostri temporis, nonnihil confido, sperans me paucis inferiorem futurum, si omnino nervos intendero. IV. He did not remain in England long after this; soon after the midsummer of 1422 he left this country.

Coda vez que considero que me tengo de morir, tiendo la capa en el suelo y no me harto de dormir. But no, not sleeping, but dreaming dreaming life, since life is a dream. Among us Spaniards another phrase has very rapidly passed into current usage, the expression "It's a question of passing the time," or "killing the time." And, in fact, we make time in order to kill it.

La considero tan natural como el derecho a la vida y el derecho a la propia defensa. Y por ser natural no considero prematuro el que la mujer filipina reclame ese derecho, como ya lo han reclamado y obtenido sus congéneres en otras partes del mundo.

And the remedy is not that suggested in the quatrain that runs Cada vez que considero que me tengo de morir, tiendo la capa en el suelo y no me harto de dormir. No! The remedy is to consider our mortal destiny without flinching, to fasten our gaze upon the gaze of the Sphinx, for it is thus that the malevolence of its spell is discharmed. If we all die utterly, wherefore does everything exist?